Monthly Archives: September 2022

Tea’s Weird Hiatus

Writing is hard. And so I must journey, good book (The AP Stylebook) in hand for a voyage up the Grammarly Mountains to consult the wise gurus there– Who, What, Why, When, and Where (and sometimes the elusive How). I have to make some decisions on what writing projects I want to marry, fuck, or kill. There is a lot to reevaluate and figure out.

As such, this column will be on hiatus for a bit. The podcast has also concluded for now (see link for season finale below.) I don’t know when I’ll write this column again– weeks, months? Like an old song says, we’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when…

Well, actually, I do know where if you feel inclined to visit me, here’s three places I’ll be appearing in person over the next month or so:

This Saturday, Sept. 10, 11am-1pm: I’ll be at the Feral House Table at the Printers Row Lit Fest in Chicago:

Sunday, Sept. 18, 11am-6pmAwkward Nerd Book Fair @ The Cooperage in Milwaukee: 

Saturday, Oct. 15: Milwaukee Paranormal Conference:

Tea’s Weird Week, S5 ep09: Season 5 Finale

Tea and Heidi discuss weird news about planets in retrograde, a world record breaking pumpkin boat ride, again with Uri Geller, robot news, and phantom clowns. Plus trivia answers and we close out with a track by The Grovelers, “Rock Bottom.” That’s it for this season!
Listen here:
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